The State of Polkadot's Global Events Bounty: An Analysis

Hey Albert and community,

We understand this has been frustrating as the bounty has been restructuring essentially since the end of Polkadot Decoded. We are entering the final stages of this restructure and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we strive to award and reward as many bounties and event producers in the community as we can, despite rapidly changing curator team conditions and market DOT price fluctuations.

The restructure of the events bounty includes a new proposal to increase the seats of main bounty curators from (currently 2 active curators) to 5 seats. This will include additional experts within the events industry from different areas, as well as a Parity seat for proper ecosystem participation.

In the meantime, we would also like to remind everyone that there has been a public call to action to apply for a sub-curator role to support the main events bounty curators in event submission reviews, and if you would like to be further involved and help ease this bounty curator’s process please feel free to apply here!