Suggestion to Improve Bounties Visibility and transparency on Polkadot by Saimon

Hello, since the work I am doing is directly related to the question of “how to give visibility to the polkadot ecosystem resources”, I’d like to share a very brief update on the progress I have been doing from my part trying to solve the access and visibility challenge along with my vision of the overall situation.

All ecosystem resources, including those in the attached sheet, are easily accessible today on the dablock portal and its associated resources. While the ecosystem bounties landing page is still pending (although there are already a couple of derived posts), we are prioritizing a complete migration of the site and its content to a new open-source platform. This will allow for seamless collaboration on managing and expanding content, in almost the same way how the Polkadot wiki has been operating through GitHub. Additionally, the new platform will support versioning in multiple languages.

Along with this migration, the portal will transition to the polkadotecosystem(.)com new domain to improve identification and avoid confusion. What we have been doing all this time is create a free and open tool to take as reference for all educational/marketing teams and related portals, ensuring the entire ecosystem is categorized and well-defined, with all its elements interrelated and in one central location.

We aim to have this migration ready, with an initial working version, before the next edition of Sub0, so that all the resources and summaries derived from the talks of this one are uploaded directly to the new portal. Solving the problem of URLs with duplicate content along with the migration, since to date +120 URLs with resources and summaries of derived talks have already been accumulated (a little bit more of info here).

In any case, apart from this brief update, the best places to share and give visibility to this type of generated resources, once they are cured and corrected (!), in addition to the main informative/educational portals of the ecosystem such as the current polkadot wiki, dablock or the new/future polkadot official site, is of course on the main governance platforms such as Subsquare and Polkassembly (which btw could become very good informative portals too if they were worked in that way).

Timeless visibility lies in good organization. Just as the best marketing lies in good documentation.

  1. Centralization and well definition of resources in open-source information portals to facilitate access to them and their dissemination.
  2. Simplification of clear varied and democratic communication channels (outside the inefficient and highly manipulable Twitter bubble, please stop twitter spaces, change it for a youtube livestreams).
  3. Clear and easy-to-follow routes for collaborating, to achieve greater gamification and simplification of the process.
  4. Online reputation system for collaborators based on an aMbAsSaDoRs program or whatever name started from the base (by an initial team of HA in office (?)) that helps to foster the feeling of belonging.
  5. Incentivize these collaborators.

5.5 Spread love and Polkadot, see you at the Plaza :heart_hands:.