Introducing Polkadot-API Governance SDK: Bounties

Hi, I’m Víctor Oliva, from Polkadot-API, and I wanted to show some progress we’ve made while working on the Governance SDK.

Polkadot-API SDKs are a set of libraries designed on top of Polkadot-API that incorporates some business-logic to simplify working with common workflows. We have already released an initial version for the ink! SDK, and we’re working on Accounts, Governance (Referenda, Conviction voting, Bounties) and Transfers.

We think it’s important when building tools like these to have some real use cases in mind, in order to create the right abstractions. For this, we have build a dApp for bounties, which is a really good example as it touches multiple sections of the SDKs: Bounties, Referenda and Accounts.

We think this dApp shows our vision for SDKs, and serves as an open-source example for how these SDKs can be composed to build empowering dApps, as well as inspiring other developers for creating SDKs for their parachains.

I have prepared a small video of a demo of this dApp, highlighting the challenges that it solves with the Polkadot API SDKs it uses.

The SDKs are currently in active development, but we have already published them to npm. We will really appreciate you to give them a try, and if we can get early feedback.

Thanks everyone!
Víctor Oliva