Stop wasting money on influencers; focus on investors and founders!

It’s time to get out of our crypto bubble and get some real-world impact going. We have a chance to partner with the biggest startup event in Europe, Slush 2024, to do just that. Looking for a team and understanding whether this is an initiative that we should put effort in.

Check the discussion on Polkassembly and comment directly there, please.

#2105 Stop wasting money on influencers; focus on investors and founders!


This is quite obviously the most important work that should be being done in the ecosystem. The fact that it gets zero attention, and has done now for years, is a mountain of a problem. How can we expect devs to come to Polkadot if they don’t get this kind of support?

Teams (not memes) should be the mantra.


Wanna join to brainstorm the approach/proposal @chris?