Should the $DOT inflation rate be changed?

Hi, everyone. We are Polkadot Ecology Research Institute.

We previously asked our community members whether DOT still needed to lower inflation at those respective price points, when DOT-USD exchange rate is 4,6 and over 10 respectively.

The conclusions from the three different periods were surprisingly similar - over 80% of people hoped to lower inflation, with most leaning towards adjusting it to 0%, or even making it deflationary. Even as DOT rose, most people still felt that if DOT inflation was significantly lowered, its upside would be even greater.

On the other hand, the coretime revenue has been decided to be completely burned, but is this really effective? Perhaps there could be more ways to allocate coretime revenue.

We believe that the issue of how to handle coretime revenue should be discussed under the broader issue of solving DOT’s inflation. For this purpose, we have written an article on how to adjust DOT inflation, and consequently how coretime revenue should be handled. We welcome everyone to read it.

We also welcome any friends to discuss with us.

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