As we continue to develop the multishard wallet feature for the Codename: Omni Enterprise solution and integrate it with Polkadot Vault, our team has regularly encountered a crucial question: How often are derivation paths with passwords being utilized?
Your input is invaluable to us, as it will guide us in creating the best product possible that supports multishard wallets and their operations. Please take a moment to vote and help to shape the future of our development efforts.
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From my experience building Signer: Power users use derivation. My own use case, I do use them too, but not always, I like to have the choice and the default should be without derivation, with an option to add one (it takes only an “advanced” dropdown and doesn’t clutter the UI).
Same for me. I have both, I only use the “raw” seed and I also have seeds where I use a derivation. Forcing you to use a derivation is a weird decision…
Like others, for Vault compatibility I need the ability to use custom derivation paths as a option. I think is an recent (unspoken/undocumented) standard to use no derivation now in other wallets? I am really not sure TBH.
I do strongly desire the ability to use a password/salt to implement a “dummy account" with default derivation path(s) holding a smaller amount of funds, in so creating plausible deniability if the mnemonic is lost/stolen/$5 wrench attacked.
A bit off topic: I would prefer a default derivation standard to “add a new account” without the ability to choose the derivation manually for any “retail/normal” user focused wallet like Vault I hope is. For sure in more enterprise fully-featured wallet or “advanced mode” in Vault&Omni paring you demo above I would need to have the ability to manually set this for, say, soft deriving accounts for clients ala BIP32’s described use cases. Vault (and most Substrate compatible wallets?) expose this “advanced mode” by default now from what I see here and in the Portability/Compatibility section in Polkadot Accounts In-Depth · Polkadot Wiki.
Does anyone know if our ecosystem has derivation path standards for wallets defined?
IMHO we should form a standard now if there is none.
I absolutely agree with the need to define the standard for the ecosystem’s derivation path. This will simplify the key creation user flow to just one action of selecting a network, and key set recovery will also be much easier. However, it would still be possible to edit or set a custom derivation path name as an advanced scenario.
Hi, Can someone help me please on how can I add aleph zero recovery set in main menu from Vault? one month ago I made a few transactions on aleph zero network throug the vault, now I did metadata update, but it doesn’t appear the Key set, yet in settings there is already the aleph-node, how can I solve these because I can;t sign transactions. Thank you for helping, Diego