Launching a token is often the first step in a Web3 team’s journey so I think it is a great starting point when considering improving the overall “Polkadot UX” to solve for real-world use cases. However, it is not as simple as “minting a token on AssetHub”, it is far more involved.
AFAIAA, a complete token launch experience does not yet exist for Polkadot.
Here is a potential example flow:
- Team creates a multisig (e.g. multix)
- Team creates a crowdfund. This can be done on
- Team then creates the token (using the assets pallet on Plaza or Pop Network)
- There must be an off-ramp for the token e.g. DEX, CEX
- Vesting and Lockup Period
- e.g. 30% goes to community, 15% is vested, 30% to founders and investors, etc.
- Vesting pallet (or vesting logic) is needed for this
- Typically it is suggested to have a min. 1 year lockup period for investors and founders
- Staking
- Staking logic is needed for this
- Token Distribution (via smart contract on Plaza or Pop Network)
- dispersing of the token to the community
- Wallet Compatibility (or abstraction)
- Polkadot Wallets, Ethereum Wallets
- This could also be solved via bridging
- Bridging
- e.g. when the token launches, need to have access to different bridges, e.g. bridge token to Ethereum (Snowbridge)
- Secondary market listing
- Integration with DEX (e.g. HydraDX)
- Market Making (hire someone to do market making for your token)
- Ensure there is liquidity, “keeps token alive in exchanges”
- Airdrops
- Additional custom logic around the token (smart contract on Pop)
- Governance (DAO) is also a common component around token launch
- Usually comes after the launch
- Treasury for holding spendable token funds
- A means for the Web3 dApp to leverage governance and funds to build the dApp and grow its community
- community can create spend proposals with the token
- community can create bounties with the token
- Ability to create more sophisticated tokens
- Inflationary vs deflationary
- burning mechanism
And finally, a testnet that devs can try all of this out.
We need one place for all of this to happen. We should not expect teams to hack together a solution for token launch. That is not good UX.