Polkadot: The centralized decentralized ecosystem - a cartel?

@rich, not sure if that question, while quoting @brad.olson.587, was actually directed at me. In case it was …

To be fair I think what I was getting at was very clear:

I thought it might be considered click-bait, so I gave some context and justified the “choke-point” claim. Why I’m interested in thinking about Polkadot is irrelevant to the reason why you or others are developing a Parachain, so I left it out.

@rphmeier sought to challenge two observations around the scalability of Parachains (the context):

  1. That Polkadot is the choke-point
  1. That Relay Chains are the natural unit of development in the context given (scalability)

From there the conversation went sideways - and down the economic security is scarce/hard rabbit hole.

Every industry and firm faces capital scarcity and technological hurdles/barriers to growth.
But few hold repeated auctions of the same item (after you have to return it to them) - even DeBeers will let you buy/own diamonds.

I posed several questions to @rphmeier. Until then, I think we can consider this as resolved as it will ever be?