Hi All,
Thanks to everyone who joined the KILT: Slot machines and DIP talk at the Polkadot Summit in Copenhagen, before Decoded!
Here is are the takeaways from the session:
Lead: Antonio Antonino @ntn_x2, Software Engineer (KILT)
Estimated nr of attendees: 20
Key participants in the discussions came from:
- Unique Network
- Zeitgeist
- Aventus
High level discussion points:
The session was about the KILT Decentralized Identity Provider (DIP), which is a protocol designed by KILT, and it’s establishing an open cross-chain identity ecosystem using on-chain and off-chain mechanisms. It enables any blockchain to become an identity provider, allowing other parachains to select and collaborate with preferred identity providers, creating a competitive market for identity services. KILT takes the lead in the project, but they also encourage other identity projects to utilize the DIP protocol.
The content of the session can be found here: DIP - Decentralized Identity Provider.pdf, this was followed by a live coding demo.
The topics/discussions around DIP that came up during the session:
How can this be implemented? There are two palettes, one is for providers, one is for consumers, which will be an SDK, this is currently in development.
All used libraries are open source, based on crypto primitives. There is no custom crypto implemented yet.
How do NFTs connect to the DIDs? You can have completely different identities, attach these identities to certain NFTs, similar to a key to the library. The identity itself is the thing that bridges two different keys. You could connect two keys and have two different entities as keys to enter some metaverse through the identity network. The identity network is the connecting point between these different keys and the key and different connections. DIP is a mechanism to connect these points.
Through the Web3 name one can fetch credentials they have decided to make public. This becomes the digital identity.
Where the fetched information is stored is not part of the KILT runtime.
The authenticity of the data is not provided by DIP, it only aggregates it. The matter of authenticity or of the information shown is correct is up to the person who actually issues the information. If the credential is coming from a decentralized provider or a decentralized attester, then the credential is as trustworthy as the chain or attester is. Credentials are linked to attesters.
The validity of the information is not verified, DIP just stores the hash.
Action Items:
- Check out the PR and involve especially those in the specification process that want to be identity providers.