Polkadot Network Directory

Did you ever chased the RPC endpoint for a given chain ? or maybe some chain specs ? Did you ever wonder about the name or goal of the testnet of project XYZ ?

I am happy to announce the availbility of the Polkadot Network Directory :tada: .
This project has been kicked off thanks to @santi and @pierre.besson.

This repository is still in its early days but is now accepting submissions. Teams can submit a PR adding a yaml file looking like this one. Once a PR is merged, the information about the submitted chain will show up in the generated book.

Additionnally, all the data of the directory is also available in the form of json files such as:

Whether your project is a:

  • relay chain / parachain / solo chain
  • testnet / mainnet / canarynet
    we made it cosy to host everyone.

Contribs are welcome, spread the word !


Talisman also has, Chain Data which is OS and can be viewed here → GitHub - TalismanSociety/chaindata: A central repository of DotSama chain information indexed by chain id.

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