Polkadot News
The first block-producing JAM implementation is now running and producing test blocks. x.com
Web3 Foundation has released its newly renamed “Ecosystem Development” (previously “Grants”) Wave 24 article. Web3 Foundation EcoDev — Wave 24 Recipients | by Web3 Foundation Team | Web3 Foundation | Jan, 2025 | Medium
Referendum 1368, proposing to close the parachain assets onramp bounty, is passing almost unanimously with only one day left in the deciding period. Closing Bounty 27. Polkadot Parachain Assets Onramp Bounty Program | Polkassembly
Kusama News
Referendum 488, proposing to update the schedulerParams.lookahead parameter from 2 to 3, is passing almost unanimously. [Whitelisted Caller] Update schedulerParams.lookahead configuration parameter to 3 | Polkassembly
There are now 22 bidders to join Kappa Sigma Mu. https://ksmsociety.io/explore/bidders