Polkadot News
Distractive has released their Q3 covering activities for marketing of Polkadot. Polkadot Progress: Distractive’s Q3 Achievements and Milestones - Distractive
Among their achievements is the new series “People of Polkadot”, covering members in the ecosystem. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOyWqupZ-WGv0h5VI4PCIG-JLIcFz4Cdz
Referendum 1249, a Wish-for-change to include Acurast in marketing narratives funded by the Marketing Bounty, is now up for vote. Inclusion of Acurast in Marketing Narratives | Polkassembly
Referendum 1192, proposing to approve PolkaIdentity as a registrar is passing with 92.1% in favor. PolkaIdentity's Registrar Application | Polkassembly
Kusama News
Referendum 463, proposing to incorporate Polkadot and Kusama into the ONE app, was rejected. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/463
Referendum 464, a wish-for-change proposing to make the Kreivo parachain a system chain, is currently passing with 58.9% in favor. Make the DAO Hub Kreivo a system chain | Polkassembly