Polkadot News
Web3 Summit is coming back to Berlin, 16 - 18 July 2025. x.com
Referendum 1254, a Wish-for-change referendum establishing bounty compliance standards, is now confirming. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1254
Referendum 1297, closing the BD Bounty, is currently passing almost unanimously. Closing Bounty 39. BD (Business Development) Bounty. | Polkassembly
Gavin Wood was interviewed by the When Shift Happens podcast. x.com
There is a discussion on the Polkadot Forum about re-thinking the core pricing model for Polkadot. Is it time to rethink the core pricing model for Polkadot?
Kusama News
A new candidate period has begun for Kappa Sigma Mu. https://ksmsociety.io/explore/candidates