Polkadot News
Version 1.9.0 of the Polkadot SDK has been released. Release Polkadot v1.9.0 · paritytech/polkadot-sdk · GitHub
A summary of yesterday’s Technical Fellowship OpenDev call has been posted by Alice_und_Bob. 2024-03-19 Technical Fellowship OpenDev Call - Grill
Data for the Polkadot relay chain as well as six parachains are now available on Dune. Empowering Next-Level Insights: Dune Brings Polkadot and Kusama Analytics into Focus
In the current parachain lease auction, anonymous crowdloan 3368 is in the lead, but Litentry has also been in the lead ~ 15% of the Ending Period. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info
Support for the Polkadot Staking Dashboard is now available at support.polkadot.network. The previous Canny feedback board is now deprecated. https://twitter.com/rossbulat/status/1769937131646886182
Barring any vote changes, Referendum 545, initializing a Kusama GRANDPA light client on the Polkadot Bridge Hub should enter the confirming period in less than 24 hours. Initialize Kusama GRANDPA light-client running on Polkadot BridgeHub | Polkassembly
Kusama News
With six hours to go in the latest parachain lease auction, Basilisk has been in the lead the entire Ending Period. Kusama Auctions and Crowdloans | Parachains.info
There are 14 bidders and two current candidates for Kappa Sigma Mu, the on-chain “fratority” secured by “proof of ink”. https://ksmsociety.io/explore/bidders