Polkadot Digest 18 Jan 2024

Polkadot News

Do you really want to know what’s going on with Polkadot development? Check out the January OpenDev Polkadot Core Dev Call - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itUw-ndb-Tc

The Polkadot Technical Fellowship has also created a website covering all Polkadot RFCs, both approved and proposed. Introduction - Polkadot Fellowship RFCs

With the Ending Period just beginning, Darwinia is in the lead in the current parachain lease auction. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info

The Polkadot staking rate is now at 51.49%, a drop of approximately 0.45 percentage points from yesterday. Polkadot Staking Dashboard | Polkadot Staking (DOT)

Kusama News

Reminder to Kusama validators that they need to rotate their session keys in order to activate BEEFY. A list of Kusama validator addresses which do not have BEEFY keys can be checked here: https://kusama.w3f.community/validators/beefy/dummy

With two days left to go in the current parachain lease auction, anonymous parathrad 3345 has been in the lead the entire Ending Period so far. Kusama Auctions and Crowdloans | Parachains.info

Referendum 329, proposing curators for Bounty #25, is now up for vote. Proposing Curators for Bounty #25 | Polkassembly

Referendum 330, updating sufficient asset minimum balances on Kusama Asset Hub, is now up for vote. Update Sufficient Asset Minimum Balances | Polkassembly