Polkadot Digest 17 Dec 2024

Polkadot News

Referendum 1350 on the Wish-for-change track, proposing new Polkadot branding guidelines, is passing with 99.9% in favor. Wish For Change | Polkadot Branding Guideline | Polkassembly

pallet-verifier, a tool for detecting common security vulnerabilities and insecure patterns in FRAME pallets, has been released. Introducing pallet-verifier - a tool for detecting common security vulnerabilities and insecure patterns in FRAME pallets

dedot, a JavaScript client for interacting with Polkadot and other Substrate-based blockchains, has been released. Introducing Dedot: A delightful JavaScript client for Polkadot & Substrate-based blockchains

Kusama News

Referendum 479, proposing to fund a project on the Kusama Asset Hub, is failing with 26.6% in favor. An Innovative Token Concept On Kusama Asset Hub With Utilities Towards Using Kusama Network's Various Blockchain Features and To Liven Up The Kusama Ecosystem | Polkassembly

Finally, this will be the last Polkadot Digest of 2024. I will be on vacation until 6 January. See you all next year!