Polkadot News
With the Ending Period beginning in less than a day, Moonbeam is in the lead in the current parachain lease auction. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info
W3F has announced the recipients of Wave 19 of their Grants Program, including 33 grants amounting to over US $1.1 million in funding. Web3 Foundation Grants — Wave 19 Recipients | by Web3 Foundation Team | Web3 Foundation | Oct, 2023 | Medium
Interested in applying for a grant or learning more about the grants program? See https://grants.web3.foundation/
Referendum 166, tweaking Polkadot’s ideal staking rate, currently has enough approval to pass and has enough support to start confirming tomorrow. Tweak Polkadot's Ideal Staking Rate | Polkassembly
Referendum 190, recognizing Alice und Bob for his contributions to the Polkadot discourse, has passed and executed. Recognizing Alice und Bob and #stakedot | Polkassembly
For a recording and overview of yesterday’s talk about ChainSafe’s Polkadot MetaMask Snap, see this thread - https://twitter.com/ChainSafeth/status/1712468265740665283
Kusama News
With slightly than three days left in the current parachain lease auction, Genshiro has been in the lead the entire Ending Period so far. Kusama Auctions and Crowdloans | Parachains.info