Polkadot Digest 12 July 2023

Polkadot News

There are currently 21,996 active nominators out of 43,855 (-16 since yesterday). Inactive nominators who are not receiving staking rewards can fast unstake (if eligible) and join nomination pools. Nomination Pools · Polkadot Wiki

With less than a day left in the current parachain lease auction, Peaq @peaqnetwork (crowdloan) is in the lead. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info

There are 51 active public referenda up for vote on Polkadot OpenGov. Polkadot/Substrate Portal Cast your vote or delegate it through the delegation dashboard. https://delegation.polkadot.network/

Referendum 21, funding Zondax @zondax for the maintenance of Ledger apps, is passing but needs more support to enter the confirmation period of 2 days before the decision period ends in 7 days. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/21

Referendum 55, updating the Nomination Pools settings (increasing the number of pools and members, and setting the max commission to 10%), is passing but needs more support to enter the confirmation period of 10 minutes before the decision period ends in 19 days. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/55

Referendum 62 https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/62 by @zondax and Alzymologist Oy, aiming for the creation of a metadata protocol friendly to offline devices such as Ledger and Polkadot Vault, is passing but needs more support and approval to enter the confirmation period of 2 days before the decision period ends in 22 days.

Kusama News

#Heiko Finance won the 92nd parachain lease auction. Next auction starts today with Parathread 2274 and Karura, both self-funded. Kusama Auctions and Crowdloans | Parachains.info

There are three active public referenda and one fellowship referendum up for vote on Kusama OpenGov. Polkadot/Substrate Portal