Polkadot Digest 11 July 2023

Polkadot News

All talks of #PolkadotDecoded 2023 are now grouped into playlists and available on YouTube. https://twitter.com/Polkadot/status/1678418387158851588

The Polkadot Blockchain Academy @AcademyPolkadot had its first day yesterday at UC Berkeley. https://twitter.com/AcademyPolkadot/status/1678130906983284736

There are currently 22,996 active nominators out of 43,871. Inactive nominators who are not receiving staking rewards can fast unstake (if eligible) and join nomination pools. Nomination Pools · Polkadot Wiki

The staking rate has slightly increased and lies now at 43.5%. Polkadot/Substrate Portal

With 1.5 days left in the current parachain lease auction, Peaq @peaqnetwork (crowdloan) is in the lead. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info

There are 52 active Referenda up for vote on Polkadot OpenGov. Polkadot/Substrate Portal Cast your vote or delegate it through the delegation dashboard. https://delegation.polkadot.network/

Referendum 21, funding Zondax @zondax for the maintenance of Ledger apps, is passing but needs more support to enter the confirmation period of 2 days before the decision period ends in 8 days. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/21

Referendum 46, funding the first Polkadot Hub @Polkadot_Hub in the Asian-Pacific Region, is not passing and needs both more approval and support to enter the confirmation period of 12 hours. The decision period ends in 14 days. See the video Polkadot Hub BALI : An Introduction - YouTube by @SixTheDave, @bovaigabo and their collaborators.

Referendum 55, updating the Nomination Pools settings (increasing the number of pools and members, and setting the max commission to 10%), is passing but needs more support to enter the confirmation period of 10 minutes before the decision period ends in 20 days. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/55

Referendum 62 https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/62 by @zondax and Alzymologist Oy aims for the creation of a metadata protocol friendly to offline devices such as Ledger, Polkadot Vault and Kampela (hardware implementation of Polkadot Vault, Kampela).

Referendum 62 also aims to build a Ledger app for all parachains that does not need to be updated at each runtime upgrade. The referendum is passing but needs more support and approval to enter the confirmation period of 2 days before the decision period ends in 23 days. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/62

For detailed news and info about current referenda, follow DotLeap @DotLeap by @gbaciX and @bitfalls and subscribe to their newsletter to get weekly updates: https://newsletter.dotleap.com/

Kusama News

With half a day left in the current parachain lease auction, #Heiko Finance is in the lead. Kusama Auctions and Crowdloans | Parachains.info

There are three active Referenda up for vote on Kusama OpenGov. Polkadot/Substrate Portal

The staking rate on Kusama has remained constant at around 53%.

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