Polkadot Digest 10 Apr 2024

Polkadot News

Polkadot v1.10.0 has been released. Release Polkadot v1.10.0 · paritytech/polkadot-sdk · GitHub

Referendum 514, a Treasury Proposal for sponsoring Conor Daly in the Indianapolis 500, passed, marking the first time a community through decentralized governance voted to do a major sport sponsorship. Polkadot To Sponsor Daly’s DRR/Cusick Entry at Indy 500

Polkadot Staking Dashboard v1.3 has been released, including major improvements when using nomination pools. https://twitter.com/rossbulat/status/1777628264590368850

Note that there was a technical issue with Referendum 514 executing. Referendum 616, fixing the technical issue, is currently confirming. Conor Daly Indy500 Replacement Ref | Polkassembly

The next round of parachain auctions has begun, with the Ending Period starting tomorrow. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info

Kusama News

With three days left in the current parachain lease auction, Parathread 3350 has been in the lead the vast majority of the Ending Period so far. Kusama Auctions and Crowdloans | Parachains.info

Referendum 373, proposing to upgrade the Kusama relay chain runtime to v1.2.0, is passing almost unanimously. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/373

There are a few other Referenda up for vote for the move to asynchronous backing and Coretime, all passing with over 99% approval. These include Referenda 371 (bumping parachain validation timeouts), 372 (Coretime parachain), 374 (enable async backing), 375 (enable Coretime). Enable Coretime | Polkassembly