Hi everyone, I’m migrating two active Kusama validators from GCP to Hetzner, both deployed on the same server via Docker. The first validator works (shows ‘Prepared block for proposing’ logs), but the second validator does not display this log despite being active for over 24 hours. The original GCP container for validator 2 also lacks these logs. Both remain active. What could prevent the second validator from proposing blocks?
Hi, you should not run more than one validator on the same machine. The reasons for this are threefold: it is much easier to make a mistake with keys, potentially resulting in slashing, and in the case of downtime the more nodes which are down at once the more likely it is to lead to a slash - all of this aside, it may impact the ability of your validators to process backing votes appropriately when the network is under load, leading to decreased rewards. Also, Hetzner is not recommended as a provider as they have shown harsh policies to blockchain software in the past.
Thank you for your answer. If I virtualize a dedicated server into multiple VMs and install validators on them, would this approach be feasible?