Marketing Bounty - Accountability and FUD List

If there is not a process or contacts in place for reporting abuse of referendums and Treasury spends, I would like to suggest one specifically for Marketing Bounties. Any and all Marketing expenditures from the Treasury should submit an invoice or expense list, which the community can review and flag any discrepancies or inconsistencies. Audit flags or reports from users should require a small deposit (10 Dots?) to prevent spammers and bad actors, but the first submission for a legitimate abuse report receives a reward ~ 50 Dots? Ideally, a contact at Parity could oversee this or be the main contact to manage the data and reporting.

Abusers should be posted publicly and banned from Governance. Ideally on a dashboard or high traffic page for public shaming. Is there a committee or team to report abuse now? Seems like there is a lot of collusion and abuse with no repercussions.