Feedback needed: New Head Ambassador application requirement

The ambassador program has definitely taken a wrong turn.

All the efforts that the ambassadors have made over the years have been discarded as worthless garbage. The evaluation of past contributions is ZERO, respect for the volunteering for years- ZERO.

Everything about the new version of the ambassador program is wrong:

  • $10k rewards per month (its a salary not what initially planed - the vision of “Not Tech” Fellowship - Ambassador Collective - DAO - idea to support and develop the longterm ambassador community. Not to come for couple month to make fake BD or serve the whales, but build the sustainable on chain institutions.
  • too much greed around, too many dramas and dog fights because of this “salary”.
  • no rewards for seniors or ambassadors (Rewards were planned and announced initially, which demotivated hundreds of ambassadors who volunteered for years, especially compared to the $10,000 monthly salary of 20 people.)
  • “Candidates” one-by-one roastings by whales and their corrupted friends (the initial list of HA was planned and approved)
  • 5k DOT deposit (absurd), discarding of previous contributions and experiences, an additional lever for corrupted whales to influence community.

it’s all unfair to the community and a betrayal of trust from a project that I’ve been a part of for years.