Hi everyone, I am Charu from Unique Network. A quick recap on the motivation behind the NFT XCM proposal - it is rooted in Polkadot’s core value proposition—facilitating interchain communication and transfers for all assets. While XCM has effectively enabled this for fungible tokens, the XCM for NFTs remains largely unexplored.
As we continue to deliver on the milestones of the NFT XCM proposal - there is one missing link which is important for NFT XCM to have meaningful outcomes - Use cases need to be designed and delivered across different parachains that showcase the power of interoperable NFT parachians in the Polkadot Ecosystem
This is why we want to launch a “Cross-Chain NFTs Think Tank”.
The Cross-Chain NFTs Think Tank aims to establish Polkadot as the leading ecosystem for interoperable NFTs by researching, identifying, conceptualising, and designing delivery plans for multiple cross-chain NFT use cases.
KEY PRIORITIES include proactive outreach to interested parachains, collaboration and partnerships, and effective communication strategies to position Polkadot as the hub for cross-chain NFT expertise.
KEY PROGRAMS: We will conduct Cross-Chain NFT Think Tank Workshops/discussions at Polkadot events, focusing on presentations, brainstorming sessions, gathering feedback and challenges and collaboration opportunities among developers and parachain founders. Additionally, outcomes of each workshop will be published, highlighting use cases, requirements, challenges, and necessary ecosystem support. Workshops at industry events like Consensus and NFT NYC are of strategic importance, although requiring additional funding, planning, and support beyond the NFT XCM proposal’s scope.
EARLY USE CASES: We have been in discussions with with the Acala and Zeitgeist teams for a few days to explore two use cases and have drafted an early approach to defining these use cases:
Approach to a Use Case
Define a high level business objective
- Why are NFT Transfers Needed OR
- What is the desired outcome
Identify the Type Of Use Case
- NFT Transfers (uni/bi directional)
Define The Functional Requirements
- NFT Issuance and representation
- NFT Attribute Management (Any change in properties needed? If Yes,
- Gas Fee considerations - Which tokens can be used or needed to be used
UI/UX requirements
- Users interact with NFTs on destination chain and/or chain of origination
- Functionality that needs to be enabled for end users
Unique Network team is participating in Sub0 represented by Daniel Shiposha and Charu Sethi . We will be introducing the Cross-Chain NFTs Think Tank there and also discuss some early use cases.
We would love for you to attend the sessions, and contact us if you have an interest in Cross-Chain NFTs.
Looking forward to your comments, suggestions and questions