Chocolate Network - Introducing ourselves

Hello everyone,

I’m Islam, the Lead developer at Chocolate Network.

Chocolate is a reviews platform that aims to make projects more accountable to the community by allowing members of the community to leave reviews on those projects on a 5-point scale.

Projects participating in the platform are also given a badge to show their ‘choc score’ on their various platforms. This allows:

  1. people to know at a glance how trustworthy a project is based on other’s experience with it.
  2. For projects to collect feedback on how the ecosystem as a whole views them.

We’ve participated in a few hackathons over the last year, including:

a. The encode club polkadot hackathon in August 2021,
b. The Polkadot Apac hackathon that ended December 2021/January 2022

We’re currently in the substrate builder program and are looking to solidify our idea of the platform by collecting feedback on the specification of our MVP.

You can read more on the exact points we need feedback on my previous post here: Tracking discussion for chocolate runtime specs - #5 by islami00

Thank you!


Super proud of how far you and your team at Chocolate Network have come. Cheers to more future wins and greater achievement :blue_heart::clap:t5:

sweet :chocolate_bar: