Changes for Nomination Pool Members and OpenGov Participation

Upcoming changes will enable members of a nomination pool to participate in referendums on Polkadot OpenGov.

A state migration is necessary to implement this improvement. You likely won’t need to take any action during this process, but if your account is part of a nomination pool and also staking solo (i.e., “dual staking”), you should act to avoid a more complicated process in the future.

Check the article published in the Polkadot Support knowledge base for further details about the upcoming update and find out if you have to take any action:
Changes for Nomination Pool Members and OpenGov Participation


Hello Juan, thank you for share this information. Do you know a stimated date for this update?

Hi @Saimon. The change (PR #4537) was included in Polkadot-SDK 1.13.0 and is expected to be deployed in the next runtime upgrade.

Edit: Even if the PR mentioned is included in the next runtime upgrade, it will be disabled pending changes suggested in audits. There is no ETA at the moment.


Hi Juan, I’m trying to understand more about this: “The only exception is for accounts that are both nominating and part of a nomination pool; these accounts will need to take additional steps.”

You can help me to understand it.

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If an account stakes both ways (direct nomination AND pool-staking), they will have to take additional steps for their pool-staked DOT to be usable in OpenGov.


ok, those who only participate as members of a nomination pool do not have to do anything. Thanks, I’m clear now