Call for developers for the 1st collaborative child bounty

Quick description: we created kusama child bounty #245, and call for ecosystem developers to apply it. Developers are expected to write js code for statescan-v2 to scan substrate identity pallet business. OpenSquare team, as the bounty curator, will provide full guides to complete related tasks.

This child bounty is under the visualize polkadot bounty program which aim to develop a business oriented explorer in a collaborative way with ecosystem developers. We can check the full program plan here.

Bounty metadata

  • Total value: 100KSM
  • Curator fee: 20KSM
  • Task: Scan identity pallet business

How to apply?

You only need a polkadot key. Steps:

  1. Go to the bounty detail page.
  2. Connect your key clicking the upper right conner button ‘Connect Wallet’.
  3. Click the ‘Apply’ button, and fill in a short description to let us know your plan and how we can contact you.

The page will show the assigned address after the curator decided the developer. Note that the curator can remove the assignment if the assignee can not finish tasks.

Related links

We’ve got a developer for child bounty #245, and we created a new child bounty for vesting pallet scan, check child bounty #335.

Bounty metadata

  • Total value: 80KSM
  • Curator fee: 16KSM
  • Task: Scan vesting pallet business

How to apply?

You only need a polkadot key. Steps:

  1. Go to the bounty detail page .
  2. Connect your key clicking the upper right conner button ‘Connect Wallet’.
  3. Click the ‘Apply’ button, and fill in a short description to let us know your plan and how we can contact you.
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