Building Dapps for the gig economy


Disadvantages of a centralized gig economy (independent contract) apps:

The business model for these apps seems to flauded in their basic roots.

They are in operating loss in their profits for most of their existence though

investors are bullish on their shares because they eventually become monopolies in their field

The apps take a big cut from their independent contractors around (25-30 %) and they don’t get 

benefits as an employee working in other industries.


Building gig economy Dapps which can be used by users to interact in peer-to-peer way and the

Dapps would be managed by DAO.

In an example of a co-op organization(like DAOs),

Esmeralda Flores is a home cleaner in New York City, using a tech platform, Up and Go, to connect with clients. Unlike many other cleaners, she earns $25 an hour, twice what she used to make, and enjoys a living wage with stability for her family.The workers at Up and Go meet weekly to make decisions about the company’s operations. This is not a typical tech platform; it’s a platform cooperative where the house cleaners share governance and ownership. They decide on wages, benefits, and customer charges, creating a truly democratic workplace.

Current project:

Building a peer-to-peer freelance and a job searching marketplace (using ink smart contract for app logics)

Future directions:

Building a super app (composes of several different features) .

Gig economy Apps that can be scalable for larger audience.

App template for local communities.(like a DAO template)

referance video

How is this relevant to Polkadot?

Initially app logic would be build using ink language and in future building parachain for the app logic


Would you be open to a collaboration? I am building a co-op platform for open-source software.

Here is the pitch: