Async backing | Upgrade Coordination Working Group

Hey everyone!

Alex here from Parity’s Ecosystem Engagement/Success/Relations team.

Due to latest development & release activities for Asynchronous backing, we’ve decided to set up the Coordination Working Group for various parachain teams with a few Parity team members with goals of:

  • Coordinate mutually between teams that already upgraded their test (or main) networks & post feedback based on the specific issues, or WiP document.
  • (On-demand) Help describing, posting or solving specific issues from currently available docs through Github (tagging T16-async_backing).
  • Have enough upgrade material from parachain teams and wrap up the working group to a case study resulting in more support documentation & tutorials, but also marketing material outlining key results achieved through Async Backing.

I hope this can truly be an ecosystem initiative with various stakeholders taking important initiatives towards showcasing the power of Polkadot. :slight_smile:

We already have candidates from Moonbeam, Unique Network, NeuroWeb, etc!

If you want to be a part of the Coordination Working Group, feel free to shoot me a message at


Quick update on the above:

Working group for 6s block time:

  • Ajuna and Bajun both successfully updated :white_check_mark:
  • Moonriver (Kusama) :white_check_mark: , Moonbeam (Polkadot) in progress :soon:
  • NeuroWeb in progress :soon:
  • peaq in progress :soon:

Docs have been refined;

Thank you!