Are you getting bored of DOTcity named conferences?

Hey everyone :wave:,

Just got off from a call where events where discussed and one thing that has been here for some time is naming events DOTcity. Unfortunatelly, this naming is for a broader public not understandable and probably doesn’t move the polkadot brand any further besides the conference itself.

There was an idea to have a unified name for conferences that are side events to some major event like ETHDenver etc.

The point here would be to come up with a name that would be most sound and would have some connection to the polkadot brand itself.

TL:DR Same name for all(bigger) polkadot side events - different cities

Right now we have couple initiatives like Polkadot unbounded, Polkadot in Vietnam, DOTBrno, AmsterDOT etc.

Would like to hear your thoughts about this. Imagine one event “name” would be traveling throughout the world and always organized by someone else. This way the brand travels much further and has higher potential to reach broad public.

One problem i can see with this is that if some events are not executed properly under this name, it could shine a bad light, but that’s usually up for discussion upfront with the events team or the community itself.


I think it should either contain the words “Polkadot” or “DOT”. I think the naming is fine.

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if some events are not executed properly under this name, it could shine a bad light

That’s why ETHGlobal needs approve you at some extent, and I guess currently it’s when event has Parity logo, no matter of naming