Add Substrate address login to forum

@rich, are you aware of web3 login? I did some research on it and put some notes together which I’m posting below. Centrifuge is using JW3T as a default login to authenticate users (code) and it would be great to standardize this.

I would also recommend you join the matrix chat: Login with jw3t

Login with Web3 Account (JW3T) - Lucas’ research


The Substrate/Polkadot ecosystem should ideally agree on a standard way for web services/sites to authenticate a substrate account. An example for this is Polkassembly allowing users to link their Polkadot account and author forum posts tied to their on chain identity.

Let’s see if we can push this forward as a standard that wallets and websites can support.

Existing Work

Relevant Resources

Sites using Login with Substrate today

  • Polkassembly
  • Bright Treasury
  • Centrifuge deployed the code with the most recent release

Thanks @lucasvo - i wasn’t aware of it so this is useful thanks.

The team we are working with have a specialism in SSO, banking, compliance and things like GDPR. I’ll share this with them and see how it compares to the approach they’re using right now and then that can maybe feed back in to current approaches?

It def makes sense to standardise - tbh, this seems to be very low hanging fruit and there isnt any documentation readily available.

Yes definitely. Join the Matrix chat, there’s quite a few of us in there discussing this. Centrifuge is happy to help with how we’re using it.

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Looks great! If there’s other infrastructure which needs to be set up to support this I’d be happy to help; seeing as this works natively with existing discourse features it seems like an ideal way to go about it.


Great news.

We can do a lot with custom and bespoke plugins to discourse - here is a draft outline I’d written a while back for a cooperative of devs who specialise in Discourse called Pavillion.

Our aim is to use a mix of Discourse and Wordpress to radically rethink the UX/UI of the ecosystem and involve many more open source tools (PeerTube / Owncast) that both leveage the ActivityPub protocol to create a full stack publishing operation that reduces the need for new chains and tokens - which are where things end up getting stuck.

This strategy aligns with Wei’s previous endeavours that aim to get treasury funding for Element/Matrix.

Would love others to share their thoughts.

Hey everyone,
We have built a custom substrate login solution enabling users to signin using any of the Polkadot wallets - Polkadot.js, Talisman, Subwallet & Nova wallet on Polkadot the Polkadot Forum. This extension can be used by teams in any website or forum.
Currently limited to Sign-in and user-auth, we can evolve this into a login ecosystem wallet aggregator solution.

Design team is currently working to improve the UI & UX of this login experience.

It would be great if we can work with the admins for this forum to integrate this login experience into the forum.
@shawntabrizi @rich


Tagging in @erin too - I’ll organise a call.

Hey @Jas and @rich, would love to see this deployed. Let’s set up a call for deployment discussion.

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Bumping this again… not sure what’s happening or whether it can happen - not sure what blockers are…

Does this use the JSW3T standard I linked to? I think we should agree on that standard before starting implementing this in dozens of different flavors. I’ve linked to the code we are using and I’m happy to ask one of our frontend engineers to see if they can help, perhaps they can review your implementation and give feedback on it?

It is with @Jas (polkassembly) who developed their own branded one (im generally allergic to extra branding) and @erin.

All I did was get a vanilla version working probably not in the way you’d prefer.

Personally I wouldn’t be worried about dozens of different flavours, since rn it seems impossible to get 1 working, though in the absence of progress here we’re spinning up an experimental discourse w/ token gating etc.

I honestly don’t care whose version wins, if you can push this forward then amazing - good luck!