Unifying Kusama ecosystem address format

Similar to the Unifying Polkadot ecosystem address format we would like to propose the same solution to Kusama ecosystem chains, I highly recommend reading on it before as it contains all the relevant information, however there are 2 options for Kusama to adopt this changes:

  1. Prefix:2 for compatible Kusama parachains (usually starting with letters)

    All compatible Kusama parachains would adopt similar pattern as Polkadot ones. Bringing the same clarity to Kusama.

  2. Prefix:1 for compatible Kusama parachains and the system chain

    Adopting the same prefix as Polkadot would make the addresses in the Kusama ecosystem more clean as they currently don’t start with the same letters and are one of the most confusing ones to use. This might be more problematic to execute, but the chains are interconnected and this would bring the two sister chains closer together.

We would like to see discussion about this happen before we propose wish for change referenda similar to Polkadot but since this is more controversial, it might need more time to get aligned.