Skepticism Sundays - raising the standard of debate, argument and critique of ideas in the ecosystem

It’s interesting because Shawn brings up only technical questions, while it’s not at all what came to my mind and I would have brought up mostly “philosophical”/“fundamental” questions such as:

  • Why am I still not using any software built upon a blockchain in my day to day life?
  • Why did we fail to attract the communist hackers type of people to blockchains?
  • Given that most users are technically and economically illiterate, will OpenGov not lead to wrong decisions and a sabotage of the network?
  • Would you be sad if Polkadot suddenly disappeared tomorrow?
  • Is it really a good thing to build something unstoppable?
  • What would happen if a silk road parachain appeared tomorrow?
  • What would happen if a social media parachain used by a hate group appeared tomorrow?
