What’s this all about?
Start here: Skepticism Sundays - raising the standard of debate, argument and critique of ideas in the ecosystem .
Giving credit where it’s due, Wei prompted this in Polkadot Direction, and Monero birthed it.
How does it work?
It’s very simple - only negative aspects of the project/network/ecosystem are allowed to be discussed.
We had a few suggestions from @brenzi @shawntabrizi @tomaka @crystalin @0mm-mark and myself.
As forum instigator I reserve the right to cherry pick a few from the prompts for this first week - I’ve edited them a little where necessary to fit a question structure - but feel free to select any from the original post or introduce you own.
Each week a contributor can do the same so we introduce diversity of selection and avoid any biases.
Chatting with Wei he suggested that maybe we keep this a week long thing to begin with so there’s a little time to breath / get people involved.
Why are we doing this?
Meaty enough discussions can discover useful insights and dig to root causes which can lead to actions, can lead to forward progress rather than circular debate and only fixing symptoms of deeper issues.
Potential topics for future weeks.
What are the potential negative impacts of this technology on humans or society?
Were crowdloans a blessing or a curse?
Is it concerning that its hard to define the boundaries of Polkadot (polkadot) in terms of the protocol, the network, the ecosystem and the brand?
Should we add more utility to the DOT token, for example system level parachains for contracts paid in DOT?
Given that most users are technically and economically illiterate, will OpenGov not lead to wrong decisions and a sabotage of the network?
What would happen if a social media parachain used by a hate group appeared tomorrow?
Should we promote voting or delegating your tokens - or spending from the treasury when this may have the potential to carry serious legal liabilities?