Should Promo/Mark Budgets Be Included in Tech Proposals?

A ~month ago, during a discussion on a purely tech proposal, Rob made an interesting remark:


On one hand, marketing is an essential part of any product, but it’s rarely included in proposals.

In our recent post on the Motif Milestone 2 proposal, we received feedback from Saxemberg frens pointing out the absence of SEO costs in our budget overview, which is a valid concern. On the other hand, we intentionally removed all non-essential tasks (except for strictly product-related ones) from the proposal after receiving feedback on the first iteration.

To properly budget seo/promo/mark/kol approach, we conducted quick research on a few approved tech proposals this morning and found that ~none included marketing expenses.

This raises an interesting question for the community: Should tech proposals include a marketing budget? If so, at what stage, and how should it be calculated (percentage, share, amount, etc.)? Maybe a separate one?