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Thank you for the words of support @shawntabrizi ! I must have missed the notification but allow me to respond now.

A lot has changed since the time I posted this and things are shaping up great this year to deliver on our goal of democratizing data and ensuring appropriate, correct and exhaustive coverage of the Polkadot ecosystem.

Here are just a few things we’ve already done:

So all in all, the Parity Data Team isn’t just a data collection team anymore, but an active driver of Polkadot’s representation accross multiple dimensions. Our focus is on tech, but it’s beautiful to see that this can have incidentally extremely positive effects on the ecosystem. We deliver and will keep delivering.

In fact, we’ve been compiling a list of all the posts referencing, linking at or mentioning the results of the efforts outlined here and the reception has been tremendous in terms of reach and impact, so sharing more of these insights is the right call. It is amongst the most popular topics people, within and outside of the ecosystem, enjoy learning about, like this poll by Cris Pap shows.

The team hasn’t been only busy collecting a 360 overview dataset of the Polkadot ecosystem but also report about it and share technical tidbits and POCs of possibilities like outlined in this forum post Pieces of a decentralized data lake .

We’ll follow up on this and more. The team is now strengthened by working side by side with the Infrastructure department within Parity. If you have more ideas or things we can tackle, let me know and we’ll add that to our roadmap, the roadmap which we’ll look forward to share and talk about more in this forum.

We have quite a few surprises in store for this year and we’re truly excited to share and advertise much more. I’m personally a strong believer that Parity (Infra & Data, …) should talk more about what it’s doing and what’s being developped. Happy also to engage in discussions around the tech part of things, anytime.

@rvalle thank you very much for your kind words, I’ll relay it to the team right away. Our plans will certainly include releasing the DotLake (code, data), as many teams have reached out already to be able to build on and reference a reliable resource for their projects. DotLake being initially designed to be an internal Parity dataset, we’re taking steps towards changing that. But happy to make a demo and run some queries for you in the meanwhile, we should be able to answer most of the questions - and if not, we’ll fix that :wink:

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