Polkadot Summit, Copenhagen 2023
XC Smart Contracts
Estimated # of attendees: 20
Attendees/key participants:
- Miguel Santafé (Composable)
- Jafar Azam (Composable)
- Zoe Mekbach (Phala)
Sacha Lansky (moderator)
Urban Osvald (note taker)
Parachains team reps present: Watr protocol, Moonbeam (Aaron), Apillon (Matjaz), Astar (Dino), Pendulum (Torsten), Phala (Ruby), Unique (Alex), Kilt (Dudley)
High level discussion points:
- Overview of CosmoWasm and its role in XC execution for smart contracts
- Explanation of CosmWasm VM architecture and its capabilities
- Interoperability features of CosmWasm and the use of XCVM
- Brief on Phala’s Phat Contract and its omnichain interoperability through off chain rollup architecture
- Tooling and use cases for Phala and Composable
- Open discussion covering
- Composable and Phala tech
- dApp-level use cases using Composable and Phala
- How cross-ecosystem composability could be put to use in gaming
- How to create and build more such use cases
- Questions to discuss that were proposed at the beginning of the session
- What smart contract tooling do you find the most valuable?
- Why do you think the most successful smart contract tooling has such adoption?
- What kind of smart contract tooling is missing for Substrate?
Presentation from Composable
- CosmWasm overview
- A smart contract tool built on Cosmos, implemented in Rust and compiles to WASM
- Implemented it as a pallet
- Many benefits of CosmWasm
- Best framework for cross-chain execution for smart contracts
- About 30 projects using it
- Composable is speaking to them, giving out grants, driving adoption
- CosmWasm as a pallet is different to the original version, which is written in half Rust and half Go
- Live on the Composable Rococo parachain
- Composable has XCVM
- CosmWasm VM architecture
- It allows to abstract the VM, pure logic of the VM to a Rust smart contact
- Can call into the CosmWasm VM and execute based on the logic in the chain
- You can plug it into a game, plug it into any other parachian
- CosmWasm was built with IBC in mind
- IBC is live on Composable, connecting to Cosmos soon
- Bringing assets from Cosmos to Polkadot
- In addition also bridge between DOT and KSM
- CosmWasm was built with XC smart contacts in mind
- XCM messaging is not limited to Polkadot
- Composable will run XCM messages on Cosmos
- Envisioning that XCM will be used on Cosmos
- Smart contract execution outside of Polkadot, Cosmos is perfect for that
- XCVM Architecture
- It allows multiple chains to support the execution of assets across chains
- Solidity and Rust supported
- Interpreted on different chains
- Can have an interpreter on Eth, e.g. user wants to lend from Aave and it can also spawn the funds back to the original chain
- Composable doesn’t expect users to know what chains they are on
- Want to aggregate the functions like liquid staking
- XCVM is available to provide finality across multi instruction function calling
- NEAR now the only to have XC SC going
- NEAR has a bridge to Eth, but have not attracted masses
- XCVM Vision
- Abstract away what is going on under the hood
- XCVM is a layer that provides instructions and facilitates it
- XCVM components
- Intention focused
- The interface would ask you what you would like to do
- Establishes a program of execution
- Would recommend the best route based on the intention
- The idea is to give the freedom to the user, all this infrastructure will tell you what is the best execution
- Solvers will be able to execute
- Intention focused
- XCVM components: problem
- The idea is to take away the decisions away from the user
- Users want something that is fast, secure, not risk their assets
- Many different components, but the vision hopefully makes sense
Presentation from Phala
- Phat Contract: omnichain interoperability through off chain rollup architecture
- XC DEX aggregator
- Phat contract is ink! based, but it also has off chain capabilities
- Access to http requests
- Web2 APIs, RPC nodes,…
- Stake an amount of PHA after the contract
- Executing queries
- Computation is verifiable
- Rollup architecture
- Request-response programing model to interact with Phat smart contract
- Compatibility with EVM (Solidity)
- Working on ink!
- CosmWasm, can do off chain rollup to be able to do XC DEX aggregation
- Embedded quick JS engine
- Easily connect to other Phat contracts using simple Javascript
- Run some compute but you are just running javascript
- Tooling
- DevPHAse
- Community member developed (100k)
- Swanky Phala CLI tool, plugs into Astars swanky tool (flipper, http endpoint, connect to s3 buckets, use cache, signing)
- Phat UI
- Interactive console to deploy and debug contracts
- Low code Phat Bricks
- DevPHAse
- Use cases
- DAO/contract to be able to connect to different APIs
- Manage different services
- Self owned oracle
- DAO/contract to be able to connect to different APIs
What else can be deployed aside from ink?
- Phat contracts supports ink!, modified it to Pink (Phala ink!)
- Crates to interact with Substrate based chains
- Javascript, you have to upload indeterministic code (js code), to be able to execute it over the data you have
- Uses WASM (limited js engine, not gonna have full capabilities). It can be a WASM blob but needs to be interpreted
Open discussion
- How do Phala and Composable work together
- Don’t actually have a common use case yet. Held jointly because of the joint topic proposals
- What is an “Off chain rollup”? Where does it live?
- You can integrate it into e.g. Kilt
- Connect Phat contracts ID so that its not a bunch of smart contracts spamming
- E.g. query some balance
- That uses the Phala clusters. Phala has one that is controlled by the council
- How do you see it work with other chains?
- You can customise it based on what you need for your chain
- Does not have to adhere to all different chains
- Does it use XCM?
- No, not using XCM
- Using HTTP requests
- What other use cases are people thinking about aside from DeFi
- Getting XCM integrated into the Cosmos protocol
- To do what?
- Cross chain swaps, DEX,…
- Could you send a message to Akash network on Cosmos to do some app specific chain stuff
- Coposable is leaning towards DeFi
- Can the composable architecture be used for generic things or is it geared towards DeFi?
- Now for DeFi
- Cisco: Its very generic, what Parity considers XCVM
- To do what?
- Getting XCM integrated into the Cosmos protocol
- How are you handling instructions on the Cosmos side
- Can build precompiles that call extrinsics on their chain
- Only CosmWasm for now, need to build XCM
- Can build precompiles that call extrinsics on their chain
- If a game is built on another chain, can it be used to e.g. pay players?
- Phala: Yes, it can be used for that
- Building out generic templates to serve user demands better
- Phat contracts are ideal for games (e.g. updating characters (for example like WOW), balancing characters, etc.) - do this in the secure enclave
- How to build this game
- Phala secure enclave to update characters
- Kilt’s identity
- Putting files on IPFS
- NFTs
- There is nobody (aside from Apillon) to connecting these use cases together
- It would be great if we had people that are doing this
- Protolcs are figuring out protocols. DeFi is an obvious one
- Gaming is hot right now. What would it look like to build use cases in the gaming area?
- Valve model, but that takes a lot of time and resources
- Game developers are generally not keen on giving out control of their game via token based governance models and similar
- Similar to loyalty programs, less control over their products
- Valve model, but that takes a lot of time and resources
- A possible solution: Parachain matchups
- Weekly matchups
- Each are separate experts in their fields
- What is missing is the layer above, the developers/projects that build out an application layer
- Have bounties to attract developers
- Hackathons (advanced hackathon use case)
- Recipes for the Polkadot webpage
- Information about use cases provided, explaining architecture using existing parachins
- Phala: Yes, it can be used for that