Polkadot Governance Framework - v2023.09

I completely agree with your points and observations as they are right on point. I would like to add that we can find valuable inspiration in way the Web3 Foundation (W3F) grant team operates and interacts with the grant applications. It can be a good example of how a defined and approved strategy can be implemented.

  1. Strategy: Polkadot Gov identifies the strategic goals where one of the goals is i.e. to improve developer experience,

  2. Request for Proposals (RFPs) : Based on the identified goals, Collective takes over responsibility and issues Request for Proposals (RFPs). These RFPs should clearly define the objectives, expected outcomes, and any specific requirements for each strategic goal. For instance, if the goal is to improve developer experience, the RFP might seek proposals for tools, documentation, or educational content. RFPs come with the certain limits, like budget, time, number of approved projects,…

  3. Project Submissions : Community members can submit their project proposals in response to the RFPs. These proposals should detail their approach, timelines, and budgets required to achieve the specified goal. Proposals should be well-defined in order to be properly evaluated.

  4. Project Approval : Once the Collective and Voting Committee completes its evaluation, selected proposals are approved. These approved projects are then incorporated into the strategic roadmap.

  5. Resources Allocation : Allocate resources to fund the approved projects. This ensures that the projects have the necessary financial support to succeed and removes uncertainty if the contracted work will be compensated.

  6. Completion and Evaluation : Upon project completion, evaluate the outcomes against the initial goals and criteria set in the RFPs. This evaluation helps in understanding the impact and effectiveness of the executed projects.

To use a metaphor, the Treasury is currently like a shopper in a huge supermarket, throwing whatever catches their eye into the cart. But by creating a clear shopping list (Strategy - RFPs), the Treasury can make sure that the cart is filled with exactly what is needed for a great meal, instead of random stuff from the store.