Polkadot Generic Ledger App

Hi Everyone,

Providing a quick update from the Parity side. The teams involved in this project have been working exceptionally hard over the past few months and we would like to share some details on progress.

Major Milestones Remaining:

  • The app developed by Zondax is essentially ready and is awaiting audit, this must be completed after the RFC is accepted to avoid any changes in the implementation of the specifications which would result in a re-audit.
  • At present the plan is to launch with two applications:
    • Generic ledger app.
    • Migration app.
      • The migration app is effectively the same as the generic app but will allow users to migrate their tokens from non-standard derivation paths to the generic Polakdot derivation path implemented in by project e.g. Acala, Astar.
  • The RFC is under review. Once it is accepted by the Fellowship the specification can be implemented in the runtimes (i.e. Kusama & Polkadot).
  • Parachains will also need to upgrade their runtimes with the new spec to be able to use the app. More details to follow as we get closer.
  • Wallets: Both Talisman and SubWallet are progressing exceptionally well towards integrating and testing the Ledger app.

Call To Action:

  • RFC Feedback: If anyone would like to provide feedback on the RFC please do!
  • DevX: We warmly welcome any Parachain team that would like to test the new app on Rococo once it is ready. If you are interested please reach out here!

In terms of the project overall, as we near completion, it would be remiss not to express that it has been an exceptional experience working with the Fellowship, Alzymologist, Zondax, SubWallet, and Talisman. The level of collaboration and support from everyone involved is an amazing testament to the culture within the Polkadot ecosystem.