Polkadot Digest 8 Jul 2024

Polkadot News

The Polkadot Ecosystem Resource Center is now available to help Polkadot projects with their Events and Marketing goals. Empowering Polkadot Projects: Introducing the Ecosystem Resource Center - Distractive

DotLake put together a nice thread of Polkadot statistics, with highlights including a 33% increase in signed transactions, 7 million unique accounts, and a 66% increase in OpenGov Referenda. x.com

WebZero has planned numerous events in Brussels around EthCC and Polkadot Decoded, including hacker houses, KOLKADOT night, and a presentatin by Gavin Wood on JAM. x.com

With two days left in the current parachain lease auction, Ava Protocol has been in the lead the entire Ending Period. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info

The staking rate on Polkadot continues to increase and is now at 58.5%, which equates to ~ 5.8 million additional DOT staked since Friday. Polkadot Staking Dashboard | Polkadot Staking (DOT)

Kusama News

The lowest bid for joining Kappa Sigma Mu is currently 27.0 KSM. https://ksmsociety.io/explore/bidders

For more details on Kappa Sigma Mu, see the Wiki here: https://ksmsociety.io/wiki

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