Polkadot Digest 4 Jan 2023

Polkadot News

Anonymous parathread ID 2097 has won the most recent parachain lease auction. Polkadot/Substrate Portal

Referendum 91, increasing the maximum number of nomination pools from 64 to 128, is currently passing almost unanimously (> 99.9% in favor) with one days left to vote. Polkassembly

Referendum 93, proposing a new registrar but including no other contextual information, is currently failing with 3% in favor and almost 4 days left to vote. Polkassembly

Referendum 94, proposing to seed the Polkadot Alliance, is currently passing with 97% in favor and 8 days left to vote. Polkassembly

Referendum 96, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot runtime to v9340, is currently passing almost unanimously (>99.9% in favor) with 10 days left to vote. Polkassembly

Kusama News

With less than a day before the end of the current parachain lease auction, Bittensor and parathread ID 2243 have both been in the lead during the Ending Period. Polkadot/Substrate Portal
Referendum 49, to enable conditional fast-unstake in Kusama, is up for vote. Polkassembly

Referendum 50, to upgrade Statemine to runtime v9360, is up for vote. [Whitelisted Caller] Referendum #50 - Upgrade Statemine v9360

Note that the two preceding Referenda are on the Whitelisted Caller track and thus are also required to be whitelisted by the Fellowship. OpenGov · Guide

See here for Referenda which are being proposed to be whitelisted by the Fellowship. Polkadot/Substrate Portal

Note that there is still one Referendum up for vote on the old (”Gov1”) Democracy track. This can safely be ignored; it just makes a remark and the proposer has said it was a mistake. Polkassembly