Polkadot Digest 25 Sep 2024

Polkadot News

Referendum 1177, proposing .DOT authority registration for the Polkadot App, is passing with 99.3% in favor. .DOT Authority Registration for the Polkadot App | Polkassembly

Kusama News

Referendum 457, proposing to correct total issuance, is now up for vote. Untitled - Referenda V2 | Polkassembly

Note that Ref 457 does NOT modify any account balance. Some accounts were killed early on Kusama without adjusting the total issuance, thus total issuance needs to be decreased by ~ 56 KSM to make total issuance equal to the sum of all accounts on-chain. For details, see https://hackmd.io/0yZtRVuDQva4T509lUwkVQ

There are currently two candidates for Kappa Sigma Mu. Members may vote on them here: https://ksmsociety.io/explore/candidates