Polkadot Digest 23 Sep 2024

Polkadot News

Referendum 1172, proposing to correct base coretime pricing, is expected to pass within 24 hours. [Whitelisted Caller] Fix incorrect price for first coretime sale | Polkassembly

With ten days left in the Deciding Period, Referendum 1139, proposing to change inflation to 8% and reducing, is winning of the three options, with 86% in favor. Polkadot's Economics Parameters: Proposal 3 (8% total inflation in the first year, then gradually decreasing) | Polkassembly

Kusama News

Referendum 455, proposing to increase the max_candidate_depth to prepare for elastic scaling, is passing almost unanimously. [Whitelisted Caller] Set AsyncBackingParams.max_candidate_depth to 6 | Polkassembly

Referendum 448, proposing to reduce fees for parachain registration Kusama (via Wish-for-change), is passing with 11 hours left in the Deciding Period. Decrease the amount of reserved KSM when register thread id with code/genesis. Warning to all KSM holders and devs! | Polkassembly