Polkadot News
Referendum 702, proposing to restrict delegations on the Root, Treasurer, and Wish-for-Change tracks, is now failing with 47.6% in favor. Restrict delegations on root and treasurer tracks | Polkassembly
Referendum 706, proposing a maximum supply for the DOT token and changes to the inflation schedule, is now failing with 48.4% in favor.
There are 71 total Referenda up for vote on Polkadot OpenGov. For a list of referenda, see Polkassembly here: All Tracks | Polkassembly
The staking rate on Polkadot continues to increase. It is now at 56.18%. Polkadot Staking Dashboard | Polkadot Staking (DOT)
Kusama News
Referendum 392, proposing to enable some approval voting protocol improvements, is passing with 99.9% in favor. Enable approval voting protocol improvements | Polkassembly
Referendum 395, proposing to raise the number of available cores to 60, is passing unanimously but without a Decision Deposit, cannot move to the Deciding Period. Raise available cores to 60 | Polkassembly