Polkadot News
Referendum 1339, proposing an emergency runtime upgrade on Parallel Finance to prevent further exploitation, is now up for vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1339
Referendum 1308, proposing to replicate certain pure proxies from the Relay Chain on Asset Hub, is passing almost unanimously. Pure Proxy Replication for accounts with inaccessible funds on Asset Hub | Polkassembly
The 2024 Electric Capital Developer Report shows the Polkadot technology stack as the third-largest community of developers. https://www.developerreport.com/
The official Sub0 Reset aftermovie is now available. x.com
Filippo Franchini, Technical Educator at W3F, has been documenting his Rust journey. You can read his latest article, on “Generic Types, Traits and Lifetimes” on Grill App here: https://grillapp.net/@filippoweb3/my-rust-journey-9-dec-2024-228242?ref=8779
Kusama News
There are five candidates for Kappa Sigma Mu this round, with bids ranging from 14.8 - 16 KSM. https://ksmsociety.io/explore/candidates