Polkadot News
Motion 381, proposing to add the Bridge Hub as a system parachain to Polkadot, has passed Polkadot Council. It now goes to a Referendum vote by all DOT holders. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/motion/381
The Bridge Hub will eventually allow communication and interaction between Polkadot and other networks such as Kusama and Ethereum. For technical details including the chain spec, see Release Polkadot BridgeHub Genesis · paritytech/cumulus · GitHub
Referendum 112, proposing to immediately increase the number of validators in the active set from 297 to 500, is currently failing with 26% in favor and 18 days left to vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referendum/112
Referendum 113, proposing to reset the genesis block of the Watr parachain, is currently passing with 99% in favor and 6 days left to vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referendum/113
Subsocial will be holding a Twitter Space with Kilt and Zeitgeist on migrating their chains from Kusama to Polkadot on 13 April at 14.30 UTC. https://twitter.com/SubsocialChain/status/1645793824600657929?ref=parachains-info
Bill Laboon will be part of a Twitter space discussing the differences between Polkadot, Arbitrum, and THORChain today at 15.00 UTC. https://twitter.com/THORWalletDEX/status/1643917268852658181
Web3 Foundation has released a blog post commemorating the W3F Grants Program reaching the milestone of 500 grants signed. The blog post covers statistics on grants given as well as some insights on what is to come. Web3 Foundation Grants Program Reaches 500 Projects Milestone | by Web3 Foundation Team | Web3 Foundation | Apr, 2023 | Medium
A postmortem on the recent “dispute storm”, where a validator issued numerous parachain disputes, slowing down block production time, has been published. Polkadot Dispute Storm - The Postmortem
Kusama News
With a few hours left left in the current parachain lease auction, Imbue Network has been in the lead the vast majority of the Ending Period. Alpha Network has been in the lead around 6% of the blocks. Kusama Auctions and Crowdloans | Parachains.info
This means either can win the auction. For more information on how candle auctions work, see Parachain Slot Auctions · Polkadot Wiki
Referendum 151, to update elections’ minimum untrusted score, currently has 92.7% in favor. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/151