Polkadot News
The Rococo testnet will be deprecated on 14 October. If you are still using Rococo, please migrate to Westend or Paseo. Rococo to be deprecated in October - #3 by radha
Of interest to developers: Some significant changes are coming to the polkadot-js signer interface. Polkadot-js: Changes in the Signer Interface
With five days left in the current parachain lease auction, Acurast is currently in the lead. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info
Of the three inflation adjustment Referenda proposed, only one - 8% and decreasing - is currently passing, with 88% in favor. Polkadot's Economics Parameters: Proposal 3 (8% total inflation in the first year, then gradually decreasing) | Polkassembly
Kusama News
Referendum 448, proposing to decrease the amount of reserved KSM when registering a parathread ID, is passing almost unanimously. Decrease the amount of reserved KSM when register thread id with code/genesis. Warning to all KSM holders and devs! | Polkassembly