Polkadot News
Polkadot v0.9.33 has been released with MEDIUM upgrade priority. Release Polkadot v0.9.33 · paritytech/polkadot · GitHub
The November ink! update has been published. November '22 | ink! documentation
Referendum 85, proposing to update the Kapex parachain runtime code, is currently passing with almost 100% in favor with 9 days left to vote. Polkassembly
Referendum 86, proposing an increase in the (non-pool) nomination minimum of 100 DOT, is passing with 99% in favor and 12 days left to vote. Polkassembly
Referendum 88, approving a funding proposal for Snowbridge, a trustless Polkadot-Ethereum bridge, is currently passing unanimously. Polkassembly
Kusama News
Referendum 249, proposing to fund development of Kagome, a C++ implementation of the Polkadot Host, is now passing with 53% in favor and less than an hour left to vote. Polkassembly
Referendum 251, seeking a parachain slot swap for the Zeitgeist parachain, is passing with 99% in favor and 4 days left to vote. Polkassembly
Seven referenda are currently up for vote under the new OpenGov governance mechanism. You can see and vote on them here: Polkadot/Substrate Portal