New Polkadot Ledger App

Spam, don’t follow that link. Already flagged it to admins.

@Kasumidot if you only hold DOT on the Polkadot Relay Chain or on any of the system chains, then you don’t need to do anything. Just using the new app directly will do.

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Thank you!

As a note: The polkadot-js extension has all the support for the Ledger Generic and Migration app in master (released in v0.50.1), and has been submitted to the store for review.

Polkadot.js UI and extension now both have full support for the Generic and Migration App.


Hi there!
Thank you for the update.

  1. I have updated the ledger live up to date
  2. I have updated the Generic polkadot app up to date.
  3. The firmware is updated.

So i found this issue:

  • I have an old Ledger account with a balance that I used with Ledger before the Centrifuge app was delisted from ledger live store.

Right now I’m connecting my ledger and trying to send tokens from Ledger to normal account. The app is triggering and I can sign the transaction (so Ledger recognises my account, but I can not find it in the polkadot.js extension).

When I try to send tokens from Ledger the transaction fails with error 1010.

If I create a new account in, there isn`t any issue with receiving and sending tokens from ledger without any issue.

If I want to add it again my old account into Polkadot JS extension. The extension generates a new account that is completely different from the old one… I tried also change address index and account type but the wallet address is always different.

  • Old Ledger account is: 4cjb614Vv5zRLMefDuEY66VpBJD7gVbXcQAJ7h5Jpktmh7aM

I tried expert mode on and off. But the result is the same.

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Hi! Use the “Polkadot Migration” app and connect it to the Polkadot extension. Currently, this is the only account manager that can work with the Migration tool and Centrifuge. Make sure you have selected the option to use the Migration app in the Polkadot extension settings. If you continue to have issues, please contact us at Support.

@Juan_CDe Thank you for you reply.

If i change the setting to Migration app only in Polkadot.js extension. I still continue to get this error with my old account:

  • 1010: Invalid Transaction: Transaction has a bad signature

If I change on website the setting. With MIgration App i can not even sign the transaction.

Unable to connect to the Ledger, ensure support is enabled in settings and no other app is using it. 27012: Data is invalid

And if I try to add a new Ledger account in polkadot extension under Centrifuge Chain i`m getting this error:

The app is definitely not working correctly with the old account on polkadot.js

(post deleted by author)

Juan_CDe, yes i did. And worked. Thanks.

I would like to highlight here for anyone who will face a similar issue, that:

  • Use Polkadot (DOT) App if you set up a new account on Ledger
  • Use Polkadot Migration App ( don`t forget to set up in polkadot.js extension Migration App and in website in Settings- MIgration app) - for recovery of an already existing account.

The app might trigger if you have any other wallet that could connect to Ledger (in a different browser or Talisman or Nova wallet or Subwallet).
So ensure that you disable all of them and you will be able to recover your old account.

Thanks, everyone for the tips and hints.

Can someone help with this. I use Polkadot.js and when trying to compound in the polkadot pools Polkadot Staking Dashboard | Polkadot Staking (DOT) the ledger error returns “Ledger error: unknown status code: 28160”

As of today, I see there is the option for the generic ledger app and the migration ledger app, so I believe Polkadot.js has been updated. When trying to compound and approve with Ledger, I get the following message “You are using the Ledger GENERIC App. If you would like to switch it, please go to “MANAGE LEDGER APP” in the extension’s settings.” Not sure what to do here and don’t want to jeopardize my funds. Are there any instructions or tutorials for Polkadot.js

Hi, I’ve got the same issue, still looking for a solution

@DiamondHands @doud869 here’s an explanation on how to use the new ledger app on PJS: Polkadot-js New Ledger Support Completion.

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We’ve published the following articles on our Support page:

cc: @DiamondHands @doud869, make sure your Polkadot app (aka “Generic Polkadot app”) version is 100.0.8 to operate on Polkadot.

I’d like to share our experience to get ledger support in js/apps for Integritee Network which wasn’t onboarded with the first wave of parachains. I hope other parachain teams may find this useful. There is still a lot of confusing information in circulation. These are the (only) steps we needed to do in the end to get support of the generic Polkadot ledger app:


Generally speaking, the workflow to get Ledger Support in Polkadot-js is not ideal. The fact that the workflow requires configuration in the Common lib, then have to make it’s way up 5 releases just to get to the extension and apps is a bit too cumbersome. I hope to get this fixed and cleared up in the future, the only real blocker is all the tech debt that it involves. Especially since it’s coupled with the ss58-registry library.

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I’m excited to share that the PAPI team has recently released a new library: @polkadot-api/ledger-signer. This library significantly simplifies the integration of Ledger hardware wallets into your applications, making the process almost effortless.

For those interested in seeing it in action, here’s an example Bun script that demonstrates how to use the @polkadot-api/ledger-signer.

While this library is particularly useful for developers building DApps with polkadot-api, it’s designed with flexibility in mind. Thanks to the PolkadotSigner interface being properly decoupled from PAPI internals, this signer can be a valuable asset for other projects or libraries as well.

We encourage you to check it out!

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out!


Thanks for this guide @brenzi
I understand the first step. I also understand the third step that adds the Parachain to polkadot-js/common.
Could you elaborate please why the second step is required?
Thanks in advance.

I had this issue: I created wallets in the polkadot.js wallet using the cold wallet, and after some time, the Polkadot App, Dot Migration App, and Kusama App stopped working.

I reached out to support, and they suggested I try other apps like Polkagate and SubWallet. You can import your accounts between these wallets.

In the end, SubWallet worked for me using the Dot Migration App