Marketing Report: Ecosystem growth campaigns by Lunar Strategy

In the crypto space, there is a time to build, and there is a time to put the spotlight on what has been created within the ecosystem.

Right now, in the bull market, is the time to showcase the great projects, builders, and an activity taking place in the Polkadot ecosystem.

We are excited to submit our first marketing transparency report from the initial campaigns that Lunar Strategy launched for Polkadot’s ecosystem growth.

In the report, we provide details of various aspects of the campaigns, including some examples.

:pushpin: Here you can see the full campaign report: [Marketing Transparency Report]

Our approach to influencer marketing

We use metric tools like Social Blade to evaluate the followers’ quality of the KOLs.

This is done to ensure that the investment is worth it since the number of followers does not always indicate that their promotions are worth more.

We are working to find KOLs that have genuine engagement and are primarily focused on creating educational content in various forms.

In our campaigns, we mainly measure:

  • Engagement levels
  • Type of content
  • CPM

This tracking process also takes into account different tiers of KOLs.

Tier-1 and tier-2 KOLs, whose posts kick off the campaign, usually take a premium price.

Then, we amplify with lower-tier KOLs to get a better CPM at a more affordable price, meaning that each campaign is cost-effective.

We evaluate the collaborations based on the quality of the content, reach, and CPM.

Our team creates monthly collaboration plans based on the results from previous campaigns after reviewing and analysing such metrics as comments, likes, and reposts to understand their influence better and stay agile with our strategies.

Finally, we negotiate long-term deals for Polkadot with the influencers proven to be the most effective.

1. Main KOLs

The benefit of the main KOLs is that they bring validation, voice, and opinion.

Even if you do not like them personally, they have a cult following who listens.

By having them talk about the ecosystem/project, we get more people talking about it organically. These KOLs charge a premium, but you also get a premium quality of content and association with the most authoritative voices in the space.

2. Amplification KOLs

The amplification KOLs boost important posts at a cheaper CPM than the main KOLs. These guys are good, as they also have a reputable voice but a smaller audience.

This means we can use collaborations with them in quantity to amplify the big news from the Polkadot ecosystem as well as the main KOLs’ posts at a cheaper CPM cost.

These are mainly some DeFi researchers, educators, and smaller content creators.

An example is the Altcoin daily post, which initially had 170k views.

Once our amplification army had gone live, it had over 500k views.

If you have an influencer/KOL that you want to nominate, then feel free to email: with the subject: “Polkadot Influencer Nominate:”.

We will make sure to review and reach out to that influencer to see if we can broker a deal with this person.

Why Lunar Strategy?

We are a leading European KOL/Influencer marketing firm in the space since 2019 and worked with 500+ influencers on X (Twitter) and YouTube. We have been running ecosystem growth campaigns for other leading ecosystems in the past.

Currently, we have 4 team members from our agency working on creating narratives, creating content, negotiating deals, signing contracts, reviewing/approving content, reporting and reviewing the data, and engagement.

Lunar Strategy has also built strong relationships with multiple key parties within the Polkadot ecosystem. This gives us feedback on narratives and storytelling while improving our marketing initiatives.

Whats next for Polkadot ecosystem growth?

The Polkadot community wants to hold influencers and agencies accountable for the work and investment that the Polkadot community is doing in them. Therefore the marketing bounty board was created.

This process involves a group of agencies and marketers who will review and evaluate proposals, focusing on their potential value to the Polkadot ecosystem in both the short and long term.

Proposals will then be approved or rejected based on these evaluations. After approval, the marketing bounty will hold agencies accountable for their delivery and reporting, ensuring that marketing investments are executed as proposed.

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Hi Jack,

Thank you for the post.

I have a question regarding the following transparency report and figures mentioned inside

According to your Transparency report, Lunar Strategy has received funding through 3 separate Polkadot treasury proposals:

#342 Polkadot Ecosystem Growth with Key Opinion Leaders
Requested DOT: 26,706 DOT or $149,821 based on DOT/USD rate of $5.61 EMA7
Received: $243,439.45 based on DOT/USD rate of $9.11

#356 Amplification of important ecosystem posts on X
Requested DOT: 11,059 DOT ($72,000 based on DOT/USD rate of $6.51 EMA7)
Received: $76,728.34 based on DOT/USD rate of $6.938

#357 Amplification of important ecosystem posts on X
Requested DOT: 1,000 DOT ($6,510 based on DOT/USD rate of $6.51 EMA7)
Received: $7,107.48 based on DOT/USD rate of $7.107

By looking at requested and received payments, Lunar Strategy has requested $228,331 and due to DOT price increase received $327,274. Since there is no mention of an extra $98,943 in the provided transparency report, can you please explain how these extra funds are spent:

  1. In the spirit of transparency, the extra funding be returned to the treasury?
  2. Extra funds will be kept and considered as a Bonus payment?
  3. You present the plan for additional work for extra payment?

Thank you!


Hi @CoinStudio,

Thank you for your questions, in regards to your calculations I will outline our view & how we approached it at different stages.

1, We locked in multiple of the influencer deals at set DOT prices around the same levels as the proposal, meaning that a fairly large percentage of the increase went directly to the influencers that we decided to collaborate with.

2, We also prepaid multiple of the deals with our own DOT that we held in Lunar Strategy treasury, meaning that we also lost out on the increase from our business holdings by front-paying influencers.

3, We continue to hold most of our DOT in exchanges, as we believe in the ecosystem in the long-term & have then also decreased down to 7 USD again, which is closer to the initial amount. This also keeps Lunar Strategy with Skin in the Game when we hold DOT.

4, Still, there are some additional funds that Lunar Strategy got due to the increase in the market, and in goodwill we have planned in March to host an event & PR campaign in Portugal together with people from Parity and invite multiple key stakeholders in Portugal to the event. We will also continue to create similar reports on future marketing activities launched by Lunar Strategy.

Going forward, with the marketing bounty (Marketing Bounty | Polkassembly) payments will be much quicker from the multi-sig wallet and will keep pricing much closer to the payments that come in, this is good for the ecosystem in general.

Lunar Strategy is looking forward to continuing with ecosystem growth for Polkadot.

Many thanks,

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Great questions @CoinStudio - @lunarstrategy i had questions regarding the Marketing Transparency Report. Why are there no screenshots of the KOLs listed or the works of the amplification army? Do you guys represent or manage the social account postings for the influencers in the screenshots you provided? There is a disconnect between the performance data generated by influencers/posts and the list of KOL for the charges or how treasury was spent. I cannot locate KOLs on your list, were they Twitter X or Youtube influencers or on other platforms?

Also, can you confirm you are working with giottodf and the attached invoice was submitted by Lunar Strategy? The influencers listed in this invoice included several that were rejected by the community and withdrew their referendums due to the negative feedback. Example: Crypto Banter listed on your invoice had referendum #401

So between giottodf team of 8 curators and Lunar Strategy, close to $800K+ of Treasury has been spent for you guys to screen KOLs that get rejected by the community?? There is a lot of overlap and huge amounts of treasury that contradicts the purpose of making sure the treasury is not wasted by screening KOLs?!?!?

The roadmap you provided coincides with the other 6 bounties giotttodf has posted to tap more of the Treasury - Business Dev, Gaming, etc. - with the same ‘curators’ that are experts to screen marketing teams, business development hire for polkadot, gaming, and more?

Marketing Bounty Refill - spent on Lunar Strategy:


Regarding the amplification influencers, happy to provide you with a list + always feel free to nominate others that we will contact and reach out to. If you send a DM on telegram to @lunarstrategy then we will share the full list with you of the KOLs that were working on the amplification.

With regards to the content, then influencers posts their own content, however we send curated briefs and examples of posts that they can use for inspiration.

Regarding the invoice, some of them are new and will start producing content over the comings weeks, we will provide a full report for that as well.

With Giotto, yes we are collaborating together with Giotto and the marketing bounty board.

Influencers that the community rejected like Crypto Banter, yes there was part of the reason was that it was for a 3 months contract, this we have sorted out with doing monthly campaigns instead which gives us more control over the collaborations.

With the new proposal, we removed parts of their initial scope & negotiated in more posts, videos & content for a better price & deal for the community.

This is also a large reason for the bounty to be able to negotiate and hold creators accountable for their content on a monthly basis.

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Thanks for the reply and sorry for the delayed response. Please bare with my questions as I am trying to understand the work that was done for the amounts you are spending and the value that you are adding in order to continue supporting your efforts and work.

There does seem like a lot overlap and not sure why it takes 2 teams and bounties to do the same jobs with the same KOLs.

Regarding the 3 referendums and budgets you have gone through and provided transparency reports. So you have spent or paid for work that has not begun or completed yet - but issued invoices? I’m not sure how the transparency report provides transparency of where or how the funds were spent. I randomly picked KOLs from your list, but found no videos or posts for Polkadot. Can you provide a link to their work for each one you listed out?

The screenshots that were included in report are from the work you provided and paid by those bounties? So your team prepped the talking points and collaborated with those KOLs, and they were paid for those touts or episodes?

If you had $98k surplus from those budgets, it made more sense to plan a party or event instead of allocating that to what the bounty purpose or statement you proposed?? $98k for an event - can you share the headcount, attendees, venue and promotional materials? That must be a big gathering for that cost.

Now you are asking for more - on top of the additional $287k you billed for a separate bounty that giottodf is requesting a refill since it was spent with you? The list of whom seem to be referendums that never passed? Crypto banter was rejected by the community but you still plan to use him but for one month and not three - but most did not want him due to his reputation and talking crap about DOT…? CryptoWendyO hasn’t posted anything on Polkadot since 9months or 2yrs - maybe I’m not searching right. It would be great to have a link content or the work for each kol you have listed and paid out for full transparency.

Thank you!